Click on the unit logos to see their members! Or click here for their producer, Ren Hoshi!

NijiAM is an idol unit led by Noa Nakajima, their primary theme being video games and their general fun and quirky dynamic. Their genre can be described as electropop and chiptune, generally being upbeat and full of energy.
NijiAM Playlist

UnderDOGS! is a three-person unit led by Asuka Matsumoto. Their songs go from rock to pop punk, making them stand out in the idol scene. Especially when they sing their hearts out on stage and put everything into their performances.
Under!DOGS Playlist

A somber unit shrouded in shadows. Kenopsia's dark and depressing songs connect with the hearts of their fans, especially those struggling themselves. The unit's two members have both nearly given up on their dream, but after a fateful meeting, they decided to turn their pains into music.
Kenopsia Playlist

Kanji松本 あすか
RomajiMatsumoto Asuka
SchoolYumenosaki Private Academy
ClubsTheatre Club
CirclesDramatica, Keito Lecture
Date of BirthJanuary 16th (Capricorn)
RoommatesNagisa Ran, Kaoru Hakaze, Yuta Aoi
LikesReading, taking notes
DislikesSlacking off
Favorite FoodSandwiches
SpecialtyStaying focused and organized

Asuka is way too eager for his own good, but he has the talent to achieve his ambitions. But he wholeheartedly believes others share the same feelings, only to be let down by his comrades and having to carry everything on his own. Which he gladly does, though... If only he could find someone with the same drive, reaching for the same goals...His voice and movements are strong and firm, like a bolder for his unit mates to rely on.PersonalityAsuka is a born leader, he's warm, empathetic, extroverted and his enthusiasm is infective. He's good at motivating and supporting others, and makes for a good mediator with his conversational skills. He likes having an exact structure and being organized. He works hard, and has often been called an overachiever.On the other hand, Asuka is rather naive, unable to really grasp other people intentions as he simply assumes everyone always has good motives. He's often driven by his feelings more than facts, and his idealistic nature makes him fail to recognize when things aren't what they seem. He's very caring and always wants to help, but can't tell when he's being used.Though ever since his past unit fell apart, his entire demeanor faltered as he became disillusioned and he began doubting his entire worldview for a while. But after meeting the other members of Under!DOGS, he found that there are people in the world with genuine ambition that he can call his allies.BackstoryAsuka's upbringing wasn't much out of the ordinary, he was born as the only child of two loving parents. Throughout his life, he always loved being in charge such as being the class representative and taking on volunteer work. Asuka enjoys being in the middle, in the center of attention, but also to work hard. Because of this, his parents enrolled him into a youth theatre group, where he had a lot of fun and where he discovered his dreams on standing on a stage. Not just as an actor, but also as a singer, as he learned during a musical performance, where he can put his full soul into it and shine. He is incredibly ambitious to become an idol, but as it turned out, not all of his peers shared that same fiery passion.Trivia- His last name consists of 松 meaning pine tree and 本 which can mean book, main, true and real.
- His first name is written in Hiragana and is therefore meaningless, as it could mean a lot of things depending on which kanji combination were to be used.

Kanji桃崎 菊己
RomajiMomozaki Kikumi
SchoolYumenosaki Private Academy
ClubsBroadcasting Committee
CirclesIbara Lecture, Sweets Fan Club
Date of BirthMay 31st (Gemini)
RoommatesYuu Fujisawa
LikesRoller coasters, sugary foods
DislikesDresses, lace
Favorite FoodCherry ice cream
FamilyMother, step-father

The idol that embodies cuteness, Momozaki Kikumi! After a successful career as a child actor, Kikumi wanted to stay in the spotlight and now sing his heart out. His cheerfully cute and sometimes bratty image is adored by fans... Yet he's still forced to keep acting as someone he's not.His high-pitched, cutesy voice and energetic performances give him a certain time of charm that fans love.PersonalityOn the outside, Kikumi appears like an energetic and impulsive kid, but there's more to him than meets he eye. He's fully aware of his image and how to use it to his advantage. He knows what he wants and how to get it. He has the ability to quickly adapt to his surroundings and knows how to act well, thanks to growing up in the acting industry. He has a competitive streak and likes taking charge, if it means achieving his goals. Kikumi often gets bored and needs variety in order to stay interested. He can be a bit selfish, yet he would do anything for the people he really cares about. However, it is hard to get close to him, since even when he's not conciously acting, he always wears a mask that has to be broken through first.BackstoryThroughout his childhood, Kikumi was raised by his mother, who was divorced and had many changing partners before getting serious with the man that is now Kikumi's step-father. His mother was the one who made him become a child actor from a young age, making him attend acting classes and every casting she could, to live the dream of being famous vicariously through her child. He quite enjoyed the work in the beginning, but his attitude towards performing and the industry grew more sour as he grew older, until he eventually quit.This put a strain on his relationship with his mother, but his step-father, who he had a good relationship with, always defended him. Kikumi didn't care about his mother though, as he know she only loved him for his achievements, not for himself. Eventually, he decided to come back to the entertainment industry, but not as an actor, but as an idol. Although maintaining an idol image is quite similar to acting...Trivia- Momozaki consists of 桃 translating to peach (referencing his signature color) and 崎 translating to cape/peninsula.
- His first name is made up of 菊 meaning chrysanthemum and 己 which translates to self, me, myself.
- Due to his feminine appearance, many roles he played when he was young were of female characters.

Kanji篠森 勇
RomajiShinomori Isamu
SchoolYumenosaki Private Academy (previously Reimei Academy)
ClubsArchery Club
CirclesBB Band, Niki's Kitchen
Height180 cm
Date of BirthMay 6th (Taurus)
RoommatesShinobu Sengoku, Tsukasa Suou, Souma Kanzaki
LikesMeditating with crystals
DislikesProlonged eye contact
Favorite FoodTakoyaki
FamilyParents, older half-brother
HobbyPlaying the bass
SpecialtyRecognizing patterns

A third year at Yumenosaki that just previously transferred from Reimei Academy, Isamu feels lost, having no one to rely on in his new school - but it's not like he wants to rely on anyone, not again. He's already grown too attached to a friend and then lost them, so he tries to keep people at a distance now. Though, the idol industry of today isn't made for lone wolves, so he eventually ends up joining forces with others.Despite his inexpressive face, his husky yet silvery voice and passionate performances convey deep feelings.PersonalityIsamu has a rather inexpressive face that doesn't convey his emotions well, making it hard for others to discern what's is going on inside of him. Coupled with the fact that he tends to be reserved in social situations and avoiding eye contact, he appears cold and tough to someone that doesn't know him. However, once you've spent enough time for him to build trust, Isamu is a loyal, compassionate friend, that cares about the well-being of others more than his own.Isamu is responsible and dependable, doing anything in his power to keep a promise and to fulfill tasks dutifully. He's very detail-oriented and often notices things that others don't thanks to his keen eye. He has his daily routines and rituals that he has to stick to. He has a need for harmony and cannot stand any conflicts, avoiding them at all costs.BackstoryIsamu grew up in a lower-to-middle class household with his parents and older half-brother, which was from his father's previous marriage. His parents own a small local restaurant, where his older brother often helps out. So does Isamu, when he has the time, but as an aspiring idol, that isn't very often. The family is very close-knit and supportive, and Isamu wants to pay the support and love he received back.As a curious preteen with not much better to do, Isamu stumbled across his father's old bass while sifting through the attic. After dusting it, he grew infatuated with the instrument and would later teach himself how to play it. This sparked his love for music. Though instead of going for a more traditional career as a musician, he saw the rise in popularity of idols and decided to become one as well. His parents couldn't afford the tuition for Yumenosaki, so he went to Reimei Academy as a non-special student. There, he met a certain person...Trivia- Shinomori can translate to bamboo forest, as 篠 means bamboo/bamboo shoot and 森 means forest/woods
- The kanji making up his first name, 勇 means bravery/courage.

Kanji北見 瑠々空
RomajiKitami Ruruku
SchoolYumenosaki Private Academy
ClubsHandicraft Club
Height173 cm
Date of BirthDecember 22nd (Capricorn)
RoommatesTatsuo Shioda
LikesThe deep sea
DislikesCrowds, bright light, pressure
Favorite FoodInstant food
HobbyBrowsing the internet
SpecialtyWriting lyrics and poems

Ruruku is an enigma to many, but fans listening to his songs can feel the emotions he can only express through song.His voice is calm and dull, just like his personality, and the way he performs lacks energy and yet perfectly conveys his feelings, resonating with his fans who also have mental struggles.PersonalityAlways wearing an inexpressive, dull face, Ruruku is detached and emotionless. He is often aloof and appears indifferent to his surroundings. This is at least somewhat caused by his severe depression and constant weariness. Ruruku has little energy and passion, and even less willingness to spend it, unless when it comes to idol work, which is when he tries to pull himself together somewhat.He claims he doesn't experience emotions "the ways humans do", is rather emotionally numb and when he does feel something, it's usually negative. Ruruku doesn't talk much, and isn't normally the one to initiate a conversation. When he does speak, his answers are short and flat. This is often seen as rude or disrespectful, but it's not meant that way - this is just how Ruruku is.Due to his aloofness, he is enigmatic to others - as well as himself. He doesn't quite understand the limited feelings he still experiences and feels disconnected from the human experience. And other people can understand Ruruku even less, meaning it's hard for him to connect and get along with other people. Building and maintaining relationships is a big struggle for him, leading to him being more and more isolated.BackstoryRuruku wasn't always the way he is now. As a child, he seemed to have a bright future ahead of him, being academically gifted and quite talented in many things, such as music and dancing. His parents, delighted at their son's good prospects, enrolled him into a dance school, as well as further invest in his academic success with extracurricular courses.In the dance school, he ended up in the same group as his classmate Ren, which is when they grew very close, both being exceptional dancers for their young age. The two of them shared an interest in idols, which lead to them pinky promising that one day, they would both become idols, together. That was until one day, in Ren's early tween years, he started attending dance lessons less and less due to not feeling well.After Ren's doctor forbade him from dancing due to his disability getting worse, Ruruku has struggled to find joy in attending dance lessons without his friend. That is also when academic pressure began piling up, his performance at school started being average instead of amazing, and he's been more busy, leaving less time to inwind from the stress in his free time. Eventually, he would quit the classes entirely, but his mental state only worsened.He stayed close friends with Ren, who was concerned about Ruruku's mental health gradually deteriorating, feeling largely powerless to help as Ruruku began withdrawing more and more, dropping out of school and becoming a hikikomori. He's even given up on becoming an idol, until...Trivia- The kanji is his last name are 北 meaning north, and 見 meaning to see.
- Ruruku is made up of 瑠 meaning lapis lazuli and 空 meaning emptiness, sky (々 is just a repetition mark).

Kanji相蘇 海音
RomajiAiso Mioto
SchoolReimei Academy
ClubsSwimming Club
Height170 cm
Date of BirthFebruary 6th (Aquarius)
RoommatesJun Sazanami, Kohaku Oukawa
LikesWind chimes
DislikesStanding out because of his eye
Favorite FoodSushi
SpecialtySign language

Mioto was a Reimei idol on his path to a successful career, gathering quite a few fans... A fan however would lead to his hospitalization and therefore his hiatus. Now he's coming back from his hiatus after having recovered well physically - though not emotionally. But the anxious idol wants to face his fears and stand on the stage again, somehow.His performances are soft and gentle, as if he would shatter otherwise.PersonalityEven before the traumatic incident leading to his hospitalization, Mioto was already a shy and sensitive person, these traits becoming way stronger after that event. He's constantly anxious and in a state of hyper-vigilance, and is easily started because of that. He reacts highly emotionally to situations and has trouble regulating his feelings. He's hesitant and burdened by self-doubt. Although he can be very self-sufficient, he doesn't trust himself and often relies on the guidance and support of those that he trusts.He's haunted by his trauma, and it took him a lot of strength to even stand on stage again. Interacting with fans scares him, and he relies on Ruruku in those situations. He also struggles with social interactions, especially with strangers. Mioto tends to stutter and speak in a quiet voice, too. He fears other people's judgement, and he's often paranoid that people want to hurt him, always expecting the worst. However, he is very aware of his bad habits and wishes to improve and change for the better.However, he's also highly empathetic and caring. These aspects come to light, especially when he is relaxed and not in a state of worry. He's observant and able to pick up on tiny cues that others might miss. Mioto tries to help whenever he can, even gives more than he has sometimes.He's also often told he's an "old soul", or rather that he acts like a grandma, having been raised his grandparents. Being very mature, patient, and appreciating silence and the smaller things in life. He's a homely and nurturing type of person, and generally gets along better with either children or the elderly, often feeling like he doesn't belong in his age group.BackstoryMioto's father died in a work accident when he was an infant, and his mother passed away in a car accident soon after, meaning he doesn't really have any memories of his parents. He was taken in by his grandparents from his paternal side, where he was raised lovingly. The grandparents from the side of his mother as well as uncles and aunts often visit the unconventional family.Being raised by senior citizens, Mioto himself has often been describes as being an old soul. His grandparents were always kind, patient and loving, raising him to be a respectful, humble, and hard working person, though always allowing room for him to grow into his own person. They always supported him in his choice to become an idol.He was lucky enough to enter Reimei Academy as a "special student", and it didn't take too long for him to debut. Once he did, he quickly gained a rather considerable following. Though among his fans, there was one who loved him too much. A mentally unstable girl Mioto's age was completely infatuated with him, claiming she's his biggest fan and even his girlfriend, despite them only ever having interacted at meet and greets.TRIGGER WARNINGShe met Mioto once by chance on the streets, and went into a rage after Mioto recognized her, but didn't remember her name. Screaming that he was a horrible boyfriend, he took a box cutter from her bag and stabbed him in the eye, along with causing other smaller injuries before she was dragged away by bystanders. After that incident, he's been hospitalized for a while, healing for the most part, but his eye was beyond repair. Despite being traumatized from the event, Mioto is trying to get back on stage, as he loved being an idol.Trivia- His last name, Aiso, means mutual/reciprocal/each other (相), and revive/resurrect/return to life (蘇). This alludes to his relationship with Ruruku and how joining forces with him made Mioto be able to come back from his hiatus.
- Mioto can translate to "sound of the ocean", with 海 meaning sea/ocean and 音 meaning sound, noise.
- During the character's development, his code name was "broken" until he was named Mioto.
- Due to his trauma, he's asked Ibara to increase security for Kenopsia events, since he belongs he CosPro.
- He took on crocheting and learning sign language while in the hospital to pass the time and distract himself.

This is the wiki for my original characters set in the universe of the game Ensemble Stars!! There’s currently a total of 10 characters, with three units and one producer. The collective term for my characters and their universe is Niji+ (NijiPlus), as it all started from NijiAM.As you can see, this page is unfinished, and some things might change in the future, but I am actively working on this site! Also yes bc of carrd's element limit, this wiki is separated into two pages that link to each other yeah.Fanart, or generally any kind of thing including my little guys, is very much appreciated! I also love talking about them, since they take up 50% of my brain and make me happy, so feel free to just dm me and talk to me about them. Also be sure to tag me in any fanart or other things you do of them. You may also use the #nijiplus tag for it.Last but not least, I want to thank my friends for helping me make the unit logos, specifically Evie for making the one for NijiAM and Pan and Rider for the Kenopsia one!And thank YOU for reading this :)